Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I have never used Googledocs before until EDTC 5010- Computers in Education. I love Googledocs now! I really enjoy using this more than Microsoft Office. I have used it to create a presentation, text document, and a database. It is so nice to be able to use Googledocs from any computer. I do not have to worry about whether I have a flash drive to save my information. It does it for me! I highly recommend using Googledocs. Love it!!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Animal Rocks

St. Patrick's Day 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!

Dr. Seuss's birthday (March 2) is a big deal in elementary school. It is Read Across America day. Some classes spend all day reading in their pajamas. This year, my class, read Dr. Seuss books and completed many activities. I made Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes for our class and Ms. Manning's class. We also made "Moose Juice," which is a mixture of Orange Sherbert, Orange Juice, banana, and a little vanilla. The students actually tasted the "Moose Juice." The students also designed their own wacky hats to be like "the Cat in the Hat." We closed the day with the book, "Oh, the Places You'll Go." I really like this book, plus I tell my students they can go anywhere and do anything, as long as they try their best!
Today was a great day! I loaded a new "game" on the SMART table today for my students. I say its a game, because my students (all boys) would rather hear that and not a "learning activity." I really enjoy watching the students work on the table. They work together and compliment each other when they get a correct answer.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
NETS-T National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers
There are many terms used today to describe how well people know technology: Technology-Savvy, Dinosaur (my dad says he is a dinosaur when it comes to technology), Technology Immigrant, and Technology Native. I am a technology immigrant since I was introduced to all of the new-age technology later. In middle school, I attended "Computer Camp." This was very special because only a select few were able to attend because computers were so new. In high school, I took the class "Keyboarding" as an elective. We learned how to type on the typewriter since my high school did not have a computer lab. Today, there are computers in every classroom. Some classes have SMART boards in the place of chalkboards. The students today are technology natives-they are growing up with technology.
I love technology and using it in my class. I love to learn new things and ideas to use in my classroom. Currently, our school has SmartBoards in 2 grade levels, 1 SMART Table, Mimios, Digital cameras, document cameras, and Neos. I teach in a separate setting grades 2nd-5th. We have 1 newer computer and 2 very old computers. This year, we got a Mimio to use in our class. The Mimio is fantastic. The students love to use it and are actively engaged in the lessons. We also have the SMART table in my classroom. We got this by luck! It was being housed in the library. When the book fair came in the Fall, they needed some place for the SMART table. They asked my class! Of course we said, "Yes!" The students love to "play" on the SMART table. Recently, I have learned how to save new lessons/activities to the SMART table. Last year, I attended several days of QTL training (Quality Teacher and Learning). We learned a lot of new technology to use in our classes. It was the best training (hands-on) for technology that I have been to since I started teaching. This training it was taught me how to use geo-caching in my classroom.
Looking at the NETS-T, I work on all of the standards in my classroom. I facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. I think this standard is the one I do the most. I try to incorporate technology in my lessons. Even on field trips, for example, I gave my two fourth graders a disposable digital camera to take pictures of thier zoo field trip. I believe another standard I work on often is: Engage in professional growth and leadership. We are always working closely with our technology facilitator and participating in staff development on technology. I believe by working on these two standards, I model digital-age work and learning (Standard 3). Recently, the RTI specialist came into my class and helped me assess my students using the Discovery Education Assessment (DEA). This is the 2nd standard: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. I believe everytime my students are using technology, I am working on this standard. Everytime we use technology, I am always assessing, whether its by observing, getting a student's score/report on an activity, etc. I believe the one that I am constantly working on is Standard 4- Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility. Since technology is always changing, so are the interactions and other information. This standard is very important. Especially with all of the cyber-bullying that is going on in today's society. Students needs to know the etiquette for using technology. I would like to learn more ideas on how to develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness using technology.
I will always be working on these standards in my classroom since technology is always changing. As it changes, we will be teaching our students and developing plans to use the technology. Technology has advanced and because of this, special education students have been able to advance.
I love technology and using it in my class. I love to learn new things and ideas to use in my classroom. Currently, our school has SmartBoards in 2 grade levels, 1 SMART Table, Mimios, Digital cameras, document cameras, and Neos. I teach in a separate setting grades 2nd-5th. We have 1 newer computer and 2 very old computers. This year, we got a Mimio to use in our class. The Mimio is fantastic. The students love to use it and are actively engaged in the lessons. We also have the SMART table in my classroom. We got this by luck! It was being housed in the library. When the book fair came in the Fall, they needed some place for the SMART table. They asked my class! Of course we said, "Yes!" The students love to "play" on the SMART table. Recently, I have learned how to save new lessons/activities to the SMART table. Last year, I attended several days of QTL training (Quality Teacher and Learning). We learned a lot of new technology to use in our classes. It was the best training (hands-on) for technology that I have been to since I started teaching. This training it was taught me how to use geo-caching in my classroom.
Looking at the NETS-T, I work on all of the standards in my classroom. I facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. I think this standard is the one I do the most. I try to incorporate technology in my lessons. Even on field trips, for example, I gave my two fourth graders a disposable digital camera to take pictures of thier zoo field trip. I believe another standard I work on often is: Engage in professional growth and leadership. We are always working closely with our technology facilitator and participating in staff development on technology. I believe by working on these two standards, I model digital-age work and learning (Standard 3). Recently, the RTI specialist came into my class and helped me assess my students using the Discovery Education Assessment (DEA). This is the 2nd standard: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. I believe everytime my students are using technology, I am working on this standard. Everytime we use technology, I am always assessing, whether its by observing, getting a student's score/report on an activity, etc. I believe the one that I am constantly working on is Standard 4- Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility. Since technology is always changing, so are the interactions and other information. This standard is very important. Especially with all of the cyber-bullying that is going on in today's society. Students needs to know the etiquette for using technology. I would like to learn more ideas on how to develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness using technology.
I will always be working on these standards in my classroom since technology is always changing. As it changes, we will be teaching our students and developing plans to use the technology. Technology has advanced and because of this, special education students have been able to advance.
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